Spring 2024
Dr. Armeda Reitzel was invited to give a talk at Open Education Week 2024. Two of our Communication majors will be co-presenting with her at Open Education Week 2024: Julia Kurtz and Josué Valdez. Our presentation is titled:
The Magazine Cover Story: LibreTexts Engages Students’ Interests and Insights through Snippets and Snapshots
We welcome 24 new Communication majors at Pelican Bay state Prison who have accepted their admissions letters and will join us for classes in January. Here is a pic of Dr. Maxwell and some of our new students after providing the students with their acceptance to Humboldt letters!
Our program had the honor of being the first university in the nation to be approved for Pell Grant access for incarcerated students - the Secretary of Education is planning on coming out to Pelican Bay to visit your fellow Cal Poly Communication majors this semester.
Fall 2023
We salute Comm major Lyndi Frick and Dr. Armeda Reitzel who presented at the 2023 Open Education Conference about the use of Dr. Reitzel’s new open educational resource (OER) textbook, Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection. We honor faculty/undergraduate shared research work and are excited to see our faculty and students on the national stages foregrounding ethical open-source tools for learning!
After two years of work the Pelican Bay Bachelor Arts in Communication took a dramatic step forward this week. On Monday Department Chair Dr. Maxwell Schnurer, Project Rebound director Steve Ladwig and Project Rebound coordinator Mark Taylor took 29 acceptance letters signed by President Jackson to accept academically exceptional students from Pelican Bay State Prison as junior transfer Cal Poly Humboldt students. 22 Communication majors have accepted the offer and will join us tentatively for Spring 2024. This program is the first of its kind in the nation to serve highest security students at a level 4 yard in a super-maximum security prison. We are honored to be part of this moment and look forward to beginning classes as soon as possible with these studentsDr. Maxwell Schnurer attended the National Conference on Higher Education in Prison conference in Atlanta Georgia last week building with national colleagues on best practices for pedagogy and work to serve incarcerated students. I was honored to be parts of conversations about abolition, grassroots and university collaboration and a particularly potent conversation about women’s prisons led by formerly incarcerated history scholars from the Indian Women’s Prison called “Who would believe a prisoner.”
Fall 2022
Dr. Armeda Reitzel continues the Communication Department work to support incarcerated students by attending the 2022 Correctional Education Reentry Summit with Ashland University.
Dr. Scott Paynton continues to serve as one of the Cal Poly Humboldt Ombudspersons for 2022-3 offering his critical communication skills to help navigate points of tension in the university community.

The Alien Movie Project by Dr. Aaron Donaldson is the newest e-textbook from Kendall Hunt to explore the intersections of cinema and cultural power. Drawing on over 90 film titles and more than 200 sources accumulated through an ongoing free podcast, the book describes key tools used by communication and critical cultural scholars to explore how power and privilege are created and maintained in film. Inside, students and an interested public can also learn about how settler colonialism and white-cis-hetero patriarchy are imbricated into the stories we tell of "Otherness" via the narratives (stories) and affects (felt perceptions) of some of the most prominent mediated communication out there: cinema. A great companion text for critical thinking, film studies, podcasting, or American studies courses, the Alien Movie Project is for people who "want to know more."
Fall 2022
Dr. Maxwell Schnurer Maxwell taught the 16th annual Actions to End Sexualized Violence class, a 1-unit seminar which has anchored anti-violence work at Cal Poly Humboldt. Cross-listed in Political Science, Ethnic Studies, CRGS, Anthropology and Communication, the class participants use the class as a planning zone to build anti-violence tools and develop capacity to make ethical survivor-centered work.
Dr. Maxwell Schnurer, Ana Bernal (CRGS) and Amanda LeBlanc (North Coast Rape Crisis Team) were invited to give the keynote lecture for the fall 2022 Technical Training Institute for the Department of Justice / Office of Violence Against Women (OVW). The talk was titled “Responding to a Campus Crisis with your Coordinated Community Response Team.” Simulcast in Spanish and in English, the talk was broadcast to roughly 200 campus anti-violence organizers. The authors also generated a best practices sheet to help other campuses develop their Coordinated Community response teams to prevent and respond to sexualized violence.
Dr. Armeda Reitzel co-authored two book chapters (Nonverbal Elements of Communication and Communication Climate) for a new Interpersonal Communication Textbook called Interpersonal Communication: Context and Connection. The book is an Open Educational Resource (OER) which helps to make textbooks more accessible for students. You can see the new textbook at:

Communication Club - Ice Cream Social
Spring 2021
Communication Department Accomplishments
January - April 2021 Cal Poly Humboldt Forensics competed at 6 online tournaments including Las Positas, The University of Utah, Novice BP Debate Nationals, Western Debate Nationals, NFA Speech Nationals, and U.S.U. Debate Nationals. Between 2-8 students (average 6) and 1 alumni represented Humboldt at each event, numerous awards won.
January - April 2021 Cal Poly Humboldt Forensics hosted debate practice every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9:30pm. 2-16 team members attended each practice (average 8), additionally other Humboldt students, members of the public, prospective Humboldt Students, debaters from other schools, visiting judges/speakers, and alumni all participated at various points through the term.
April 2021
Dr. Leslie Rossman, Greg Young, and Ross Mckinny all were recognized for their work with student athletes.
Dr. Frye invited to join the Advisory Board for Windlift, Inc. (An R & D private company working on sustainable wind energy production).
April 28 Cal Poly Humboldt Forensics will host Whitman College for an exhibition debate about requiring debate education in all middle school and high school curriculum.
April 24, Dr. Leslie Rossman presented on academic labor precarity and faculty unions as a site of the commons at the Post-Capitalist Conference
April 23 Dr. Donaldson (with Associated Students and the Department of Athletics) organized and will moderate an expert panel discussion entitled Whose Futurities?: A Critical Examination of The Politics And Possibilities Of Science Fiction And Horror. Panelists explored themes including Indigenous Futurities (Dr. Risling Baldy, Cal Poly Humboldt), Horror as a space of reclamation for BIPOC communities engaging White Supremacy (Dr. Calafell, Gonzaga University), and Immigration, Surveillance, and Alienhood Rhetorics (Dr. Lechuga, University of New Mexico).
April 18 Speech & Debate students top 50 in the nation!
Team President Blue Baldwin and VP of Speech (and graduating comm senior) Gia Tejada advanced into the Octofinal round (top 48) at NFA speech nationals in Dramatic Duo Interpretation, this is a truly unprecedented achievement in recent memory for our team.
Their duo (about the need for trigger warnings in forensics) has won continuously through a very difficult season and impressed the judges at nationals enough to "break" into elimination rounds in one of the deepest events at the tournament, a tournament which pits us against the largest and most competitive speech programs in the country.
Baldwin and Tejada were eliminated in the octofinal, but only after performing a piece that has made a very real impact in the community all season as several judges and competitors alike have told us they will now be including trigger warnings for their content when applicable. I told the team that's the kind of "win" that really matters, the "impacts" are diffuse and generational!
It has probably been well over a decade since Humboldt even attended a speech nationals (though we have a long proud history there including a 6th place team trophy in our case from the 80's) and our efforts to return to speech are only about 3 years old. To my knowledge 2010 was the last time Cal Poly Humboldt advanced at either a national speech or debate championship and this time it is with a piece that the entire squad has worked together on for over a year, We are all pretty pumped up about this finish.
We also had three teams participating at the National Debate Championship, including two novices and one senior. Our teams competed well through 6 rounds of debate, the tournament ended early on a protest from Morehouse College about anti-blackness in competitive debate spaces. Our team was well-represented in a much-needed discussion, with several folks acknowledging our program in general (and Blue Baldwin, our Team President, in particular) as being key contributors to this discussion for the last several years. I have shared many of those stories with you all via these reports, that work continues to be necessary.
Dr. Frye invited presenter in roundtable discussion of “Intersections of Freedom of Speech and the 2020 Presidential Campaign” during the Southern States Communication Association Conference, April 9, 2021.
Dr. Frye receives Top Paper Award from the Freedom of Speech Division of the Southern States Communication Association for his research paper “How Did We Get Here? Polarization, Public Communication, and (Un)Civil Society,” presented to the Southern States Communication Association Conference, April 7, 2021.
April 4 Dr. Leslie Rossman was elected to the California Faculty Association Board of Directors
April 1 Members of Cal Poly Humboldt Forensics met with Gabe Kelly and students at Sunny Brae Middle School for an exhibition debate and discussion about debate theory. Future collaborations including Arcata High School have been planned for the summer and Fall
March 2021
Communication Faculty create course transformation institute with goal of developing hands-on pedagogical innovations with an eye on the emerging polytechnic university at Humboldt.
March 19 the Communication and Journalism departments co-host a virtual self care workshop. Complete with interactive contests and stress reduction techniques. Co-facilitated by the Major-Based Peer Mentor in the Communication Department Leslie Arjon-Rodriguez.
March 13 Cal Poly Humboldt Forensics presented the competitive speech materials they have prepared all season to over 40 viewers on zoom for the Second Annual Speech Shebang Showcase
March 3 Dr. Maxwell Schnurer hosted a workshop with Dr. Jason Meriwether called “the Revolutionary Spirit of Self Care” as part of the 2021 Social Justice Equity and Inclusion conference at Cal Poly Humboldt.
February 8th Dr. Maxwell Schnurer gave a lecture for the International Education Week class and forum on European Graffiti Innovations. The lecture was a short introduction to the tactical innovations contributed by European graffiti crews. Includes discussion of abseiling, group painting, new technologies (fire extinguishers), and innovative messaging. Framing was centered on justice, representation and ethical communication.
February 4 Dr. Maxwell Schnurer was appointed to the Polytechnic Naming committee for the self-study application to the CSU.
January 12, 2021: Dr. Frye delivers invited presentation for Center for Teaching and Learning Professional Development Days Spring 2021: “Teaching with Technology in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modalities”
December 28 - January 18 Dr. Donaldson hosted a 4-week seminar on Critical Whiteness in Education for educators and another for speech and debate students and future educators. 8 students and 2 professors (including one from a visiting institution) participated throughout the seminar which explored the construction and maintenance of Whiteness, Post-Race, Fragility in education
Fall 2019
Communication Awarded Scholarships for Speech and Debate
With the help of Admissions and Financial Aid, the Communication Department will offer four $1,000 scholarships for speech and debate. These scholarships will anchor our growing co-curricular Speech and Debate team and support new debaters.
Dr. Rossman presents at the National Communication Association Conference
Dr. Rossman presented two papers at the National Communication Association Conference. One project was on the precarious nature of academic labor and the other paper was “Whose Survival? Limitations and Possibilities of Queer Imaginaries.”
Humboldt Speech and Debate succeed at Dominican University.
Devon Escoto and Sydney Verga advanced into the semi-final round (8/32) of Dominican University where they defeated UC Berkeley and the University of Alaska ending up in the final (4/32) for the weekend. This is the second time this year these two have advanced into elimination rounds, and their first finals appearance. They competed against two more teams from Berkeley and a team from the University of Miami Florida in the final, Berkeley won the event.
First-year student Carina Masters and her 2nd-year partner Tim Arceneaux just missed elimination rounds themselves. Every student who traveled spent approximately 7 hours over the weekend preparing and participating in debates. We debated reparations for slavery, the elimination of billionaires, the metaphor of "pain=gain" and more.
This is the second year in a row Humboldt has "broken" teams at Dominican. Since last year 6 different Humboldt students have seen elimination debate at this nationally competitive tournament.
Dr. Rossman appointed CFA Representative
Dr. Leslie Rossman has been appointed as the Lecturer Representative for the California Faculty Association. She continues her leadership as part of the state-wide work to support worker rights in the academy.
Mackinney juggles club advisor role
Ross Mackinney has become the advisor for the Juggling Society and the Circus Club.

Dr. Maxwell Schnurer gave the first lecture in the Humboldt Philosophy Forum series. Titled: “Power and Discipline: Foucault and cannibal capitalism” the lecture mapped an understanding of bio-political power as it operates in modern mass media. The specific focus was on reality television, televised sports and the bodily experience of televised suffering. Identifying this phenomenon as 'cannibal capitalism,' Dr. Schnurer will mapped how bodies are disciplined, rewarded and constituted through mediated networks.
Dr. Donaldson gives lecture on Alien Movie Project
Dr. Aaron Donaldson gave a lecture as part of the CAHSS Brown bag lecture series. Titled: “The Rhetoric of Otherness: The Alien Movie Project.” The lecture covered the philosophical foundations of alterity and critical film analysis. The lecture documented the podcast run by Dr. Donaldson and Kate Donaldson the Alien Movie Project where they use academic texts to analyze alien movies (more than 90 episodes). For more information:
Humboldt Speech and Debate thrive at Lewis and Clark
Humboldt traveled 13 students and 2 coaches to Portland for Speech and Debate tournaments at Lewis and Clark University.
Our speech entries included numerous Impromptu and Extemporaneous entries, as well as an entry in Persuasive Speaking and Dramatic Duo Interpretation. No speech "breaks" this time around but the whole team spent Friday watching and learning from the opportunity to participate.
Saturday and Sunday involved 5 and 4 rounds of debating respectively, that's a cumulative 11 and a half hours spent preparing, listening, and speaking by each student over the course of just these two days.
We were thrilled to have a team in junior and open debate each with a chance at making their respective final rounds on Sunday, at the end of it all Cal Poly Humboldt took home the top speaker award in Junior debate (Carina Masters), 2nd place in Junior debate overall (Carina Masters and Carla Driver- both at their first collegiate tournament ever), the 7th speaker award in open debate (Devon Escoto), and a top 8 overall open debate pair (Devon Escoto and Sydney Verga). Escoto and Verga entered the semi-final round ranked 3rd overall among the 36 teams at the tournament.
The topics we debated ranged from Boris Johnson's plans for "Brexit" and Turkey's status as an EU member to market-based support for the Hong Kong protests and the desirability of diplomatic immunity.
Dr. Schnurer presents slide show on student voices against violence
Dr. Maxwell Schnurer curated and presented the multi-media slideshow “Student voices against violence: Written comments about sexualized violence from the Act to End Sexualized Violence class 2010-2018” at the 2019 Cal Poly Humboldt Consent Project. Presenting index cards authored by Humboldt students grappling with the content from the Act to End Sexualized Violence class. Only 70 cards were drawn from more than 1000 individual student comments. The cards were selected by a team of student interns during the Fall 2019 semester from the five years of the class that have been transcribed. The cards were chosen to minimize the risk of harm and to amplify the depth of intellectual engagement of Humboldt student voices fighting rape culture. This is the beginning of digital humanities labor associated with questions of representation and the first time the student comments have been publicly displayed since the teaching of the class.
Dr. Frye receives Tenure and Promotion
We are pleased to celebrate the tenure and promotion of the Communication Department’s Dr. Joshua Frye. Dr. Frye contributes his expertise in strategic political and environmental communication, public policy, cultural change agency, social movement advocacy, and innovative organizational forms and leadership.
Dr. Rossman attends Rhetoric Society Summer Institute
Dr. Leslie L. Rossman attended the first Rhetoric Society of America’s Project in Power, Place, and Publics summer institute the University of Nevada, Reno where she participated in intensive, immersive, and collaborative research and writing in the academic labor precarity working group.
Dr. Paynton appointed Humboldt Ombuds
Dr. Scott Paynton has been appointed as one of the 2019-2020 University Ombudspeople. Dr. Payton will use his communication expertise to help resolve conflicts on the campus and negotiate difficult conversations.
Communication hosts Transfer Support Mob
More than 25 new Humboldt Communication Transfer students and current student leaders met for an honest peer-to-peer conversation on August 28, 2019. The Transfer Support Mob is a Communication department program intended as a bridge for incoming major transfer student success.
Humboldt hosts the Lost Coast Debate Camp
This summer Cal Poly Humboldt Debate hosted the Third Annual Lost Coast Debate Camp, a 5-day intensive course on the importance of debate theory, practice, and ethical advocacy in society. 13 students including 2 high school students, 2 students from the University of Washington at Tacoma, and 1 student from Willamette University joined Humboldt coaches Aaron Donaldson and Olivia Gainer in Founders Hall this August who, along with Una Kimokeo-Goes from Linfield college, lead discussions on fundamental debating concepts and drills built to apply those concepts to topics ranging from playing by the rules and space force to e-sports scholarships and Indigenous representation.
The camp ended with a conversation with former Arcata Mayor and current Councilperson (not to mention Humboldt comm/debate alum) Sofia Pereira and a 3-round scrimmage featuring guest-judges including Angie Tinker from Pacific Lutheran University and our own Maxwell Schnurer. All told the camp resulted in 45 hours of debate work, 5 speeches per student, nearly 50 pages of research for the new season, and almost $1,500 raised for the Humboldt debate team
Dr. Schnurer Recognized for Innovative Violence Prevention Leadership
Humboldt Communication Professor Maxwell Schnurer and Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies Professor Kimberly Berry received a Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award by the California State University.
Schnurer and Berry were two of 19 CSU faculty members who were recognized for demonstrating extraordinary leadership to advance student success and implementing innovative practices in teaching, course design or support programs that significantly improve student outcomes. Award recipients have expertise in a wide range of disciplines from science education to public health to speech-language pathology.
“These outstanding faculty consistently engage students with innovative practices and foster stimulating and equitable learning environments that support these students on their path to graduation,” said CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White. “Their commitment to deepen and enrich learning by putting students at the center of all they do is fundamental to the mission of the CSU, and is helping to transform higher education nationwide.”
In nominating Schnurer and Berry, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) Dean Lisa Bond-Maupin highlighted their decade of collaborative work to build and institutionalize an award-winning, survivor-centered approach to sexualized violence prevention and intervention at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Working with campus and community partners, they co-founded the Humboldt Sexual Assault Prevention Committee, developed the current Coordinated Community Response Team, secured nine consecutive years of funding through the Department of Justice, established a national model Bystander Engagement Initiative (CHECK IT), and partnered with CAHSS to establish a first-year student living and learning community committed to building consent culture called Students for Violence Prevention.
“Their continuing leadership is built on a commitment to broad impact and sustainability through coalition building and culture change,” Bond-Maupin says. “All aspects of this work provide students with engagement and learning opportunities through service as team members, CHECK IT leaders, trainers, and as members of Students of Violence Prevention.”
A selection committee comprised of faculty, student representatives from the California State Student Association and staff members from the CSU Office of the Chancellor reviewed more than 200 nominations to identify the awardees.
Awardees receive $5,000, as well as $10,000 allocated to their academic department in support of ongoing innovation and leadership to advance student success at the CSU. Funding for the awards is provided by generous grant support from the College Futures Foundation, who sees faculty innovation and leadership as vital to improving outcomes for California's diverse students.
Read bios for each awardee on the Faculty Innovation and Leadership Awards website.
Faculty innovation is crucial to reaching the ambitious student success goals outlined in the CSU's Graduation Initiative 2025. This university-wide effort advances specific goals to eliminate equity gaps and significantly improve degree completion.
Award recipients will be formally honored in mid-October at the upcoming fourth-annual Graduation Initiative 2025 Symposium, hosted this year in Sacramento, California.
Dr. Frye coordinates Climate Resilience Forum
Dr. Frye and Dr. Burkhalter (Political Science) coordinated a Climate Resiliance Deliberative Forum. On April 19, 2019 undergraduate and graduate students participated in a deliberative forum that sought the input of diverse students about campus and community responses to local challenges of climate change. During this event, participants:
Learned from a panel of decision-makers and activists about challenges related to climate change facing campus and community and efforts to promote climate resilience;
Shared experiences of climate change and community resilience in small-group discussion with other students;
Contributed to a plan to anticipate student needs during and after climate-related events and provide feedback to decision-makers about how they can best promote resilience on campus and in the community;
Considered how they can promote climate resilience in their home communities.
You can see photographs and video from the Climate Resilience Deliberative Forum at:
Spring 2019
Cal Poly Humboldt Debate wins the Los Medanos debate tournament
The Cal Poly Humboldt Debate team won the Los Medanos debate tournament March 1-3, 2019, defeating Dominican University and Los Medanos in the final round. Humboldt had four teams of two students clear to the out rounds and four students in the top ten speakers.
17 Cal Poly Humboldt students, their coach, and one Humboldt Debate alum drove to the Bay Area tournament. They participated in over 9 hours of co-curricular critical debate competition. The Humboldt squad included new folks and returning folks from the departments of English, Political Science, Environmental Studies, History, Communication, Philosophy, and Chemistry.
The topics included the political unrest in Venezuela, the preservation of art that was meant to be temporary, social media corporations and their responsibility to combat "Anti-Vax" discourse, and the pros and cons of Internet virality. Every student who participated spent at least 90-minutes preparing to deliver at least six 7-minute speeches during the weekend.
Humboldt students Olivia Gainer and Devon Escoto took home first place narrowly beating Humboldt students Fabian Cuevas and Sydney Verga who took second. Kim Nguyen and Josh Sales advanced to semi-finals (top 8), as did team novices Makaylla Rodgers and Tim Arceneaux (who was debating at his first event ever). Four of the 10 top speakers (Gainer, Escoto, Verga, and Sales) were Cal Poly Humboldt students.
James Floss profiled in the Lumberjack
Communication faculty James Floss was honored with a tribute article in the Lumberjack – the Cal Poly Humboldt campus newspaper. An excerpt highlights his transition from Humboldt student to Humboldt Faculty:
Although it was not the career Floss anticipated; he didn’t regret teaching at all. Floss has absolutely loved his time working here as a professor and sharing different experiences with students throughout the 34 years that he has been teaching. He is known for his vivid ways of teaching, making each class fun and exciting.
“For me it’s a performance thrill; I’m using my theatre skills everyday in the classroom,” Floss said. “My lectures are my performances.”
Read the whole article at:
Ross Mackinney Community Storytelling
Ross MacKinney, a teacher in the Department of Communication presented several storytelling performances in the area. MacKinney, who teaches Public Presentations, Interpersonal Communication and Critical Thinking at Humbold State has been putting his communication skills into practice as a noted local storyteller. During the winter of 2019 he performed “Lazy Jack” at the Humboldt County Library, “Sivka-Burka” (a Russian folktale) at Timber Ridge Senior Living Facility an “The Smith, the Weaver, and the Harper,” a tale by Lloyd Alexander at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
Transfer Support Mob in Communication
Students who transfer into Cal Poly Humboldt often face the burden of a new school with the assumption that they know the norms and practices of university life. The Department of Communication provides peer-to-peer support for transfer students in the form of the Transfer Support Mob. Every semester the TSM gather to answer questions, provide guidance and help incoming transfer students to navigate life at Cal Poly Humboldt.
On January 28, 2019, almost a dozen current Communication Majors (most of them former transfer students) gathered to discuss housing, health care, food, exercise, music, classes and professors with the Spring 2019 transfer cohort.
James Floss continues to create Radio Program Immigrant Voices
James Floss volunteers to create a radio program at KHumboldt highlighting the experiences of immigrants in Humboldt County. The radio vignettes are both powerful and a testament to the community engagement of this faculty member in the Communication Department.
You can hear Immigrant Voices at:
Schnurer gives lecture on European Direct Action Social Movements
Communication Professor and Department Chair Maxwell Schnurer presented a lecture on European direct action social movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Highlighting the Dutch Provos and German Red Army Faction, the lecture drew on Dr. Schnurer’s publications on militant social movements. The lecture was part of the February 2019 International Education Colloquium, an interdisciplinary week of lectures, films and workshops at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Rossman publishes Communication Currents article
Communication faculty Dr. Leslie Rossman has co-authored a recent publication on Neo-liberalism and trade with a focus on President Trump’s rhetoric. You can read the essay at:
Communication faculty awarded for support of student athletes
Several Communication Department faculty were singled out for their support for student athletes. Greg Young (honored twice), Romi Hitchock-Tinseth, James Floss, and Leslie Rossman were all identified by student athletes as having made a significant impact on their education and success at Cal Poly Humboldt in Spring of 2019
Several of our faculty will present papers at our National Communication Association meeting this month. Dr. Laura Hahn will give the culminating tribute speech for the retirement of Dr. Sonia K. Foss. Dr. Frye will lead an innovative pre-conference emphasizing the role of play in educational spaces. Dr. Rossman will give papers on grief and loss and on academic labor.
Dr. Schnurer co-presented a lecture: "Two things the media get wrong about sexualized violence" with Journalism professor Vicky Sama. The lecture was covered by the Times Standard on the front page.
James Floss continues to produce his "Immigrant Voices" radio segments for KHumboldt, recording, editing and broadcasting six unique segments during October. Five undergraduates have helped to do voice-overs, translate and guest.
Dr. Reitzel has created a television series on Humboldt Public Access "Communication Perspectives" featuring senior Communication majors performing speeches and making arguments.
Cal Poly Humboldt Debate kicked off our season with a 2-day tournament at Dominican University in San Rafael CA. 18 Lumberjack debaters (including 8 novices) and 2 student judges participated in 6 preliminary rounds of debate between Saturday and Sunday. Topics included identity politics, affirmative action, social media and its relation to Democracy, the formation of a military Space Force and more.
Of the 8 teams that advanced to the semi-final rounds on Sunday, 2 were from Cal Poly Humboldt. Comm seniors Noe Araiza and Matthew Eisendrath and team secretary Fabian Cuevas together with his partner Kyle Marshall (who transferred this year from Los Medanos Community College to debate for Cal Poly Humboldt) competed against teams from Berkeley, the University of Utah, and the Claremont Colleges for a chance to advance to the final. Unfortunately both teams dropped in the semi-final but their finish marks the first "break" for all 4 students and the first time Humboldt has advanced two teams into out rounds at once in at least the last 4 years. The tournament was won by the University of Utah.
Dr. Fine has published his innovative book "Surfing, Street Skateboarding, Performance and Space." The book was published by Rowman and Littlefield and is a significant accomplishment. More information about the book is available: Communication Department will host a celebration of this text with the author on November 14 at 12:30 in the Communication Department squad room.
Communication continues an amazing run of being the most consistent part of the high-impact First Year Experience programs. Every single FYE program at Humboldt has relied on Communication 100 our exceptional public communication course.
The Communication Department and the Communication Club hosted a CHECK IT themed Ice Cream Social on Wednesday October 24. More than 50 students socialized and snacked while building community around consent.
Dr. Frye was the Director of the Environmental Leadership Academy at Dartmouth University this summer.
The Communication Wizards, our tutoring program for public speaking skills has returned under the direction of Dr. Scott Paynton.
The Humboldt Speech and Debate Team have been aggressively preparing for their first competition in November. They had a vigorous training session with Humboldt debate alumni Sophia Pereira (also the mayor of Arcata) and hosted several high-profile public debates already this semester.
Dr. Maxwell Schnurer was the co-PI (with Brian Mistler in Health and Wellbeing Services) for the 2018 Department of Justice Campus grant to respond and prevent sexualized violence. This grant is worth $300,000 over three years and funds Cal Poly Humboldt's award-winning CHECK IT bystander intervention movement.
Michael Bruner’s article, “News Framing in the United States of the Violence in Jos, Nigeria” was published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Communication and Media Research. The article compares news framing, especially culturally-embedded frames, in the New York Times and The Washington Post with news framing in several Nigerian newspapers.
The following students received department awards at the end-of-the-year party on April 27:
Nikki Lugo and Patric Esh: Student Representatives to the Executive Committee recognition.
Erin Young: Communication Club President recognition
J.D. Garza: Supportive Spirit Award
Anna Joseph and Ashley Randall: Communication Tutor recognition
Ashley Randall: Emerging Scholar Award
Shelby Celia: Outstanding Communicator
Ashley Randall and Hoshimi Tominari: Doug Losee Scholarship
John Hughes, Hillary Wysocki, Hoshimi Tominari, Ashley Randall, and Nikki Lugo: Undergraduate Instructional Assistant Recognition
Nikki Lugo and Tania Marin: Outstanding Perseverance Award
Shelby Celia, Stephen Joseph Ellis, Patric Esh, John Hughes, Eria Paige Lindstrom, Chelsea Mascar, Tanita Salmeron, Hoshimi Tominari, and Hillary Elizabeth Wysocki became members of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Associations Student Honorary
Ashley Randall and Hoshimi Tominari presented original research at the Bay Area Undergraduate Communication Research Conference held at Santa Clara University on April 21. Ashley presented "'Pumps vs. Pants': The Construction of Gender in The Real L Word" a feminist criticism of the television show The Real L Word. Hoshimi presented an ideological criticism of the Japanese fashion magazine Vivi entitled "We Are Barbie Girls, In the Japanese World." The Communication department and Humboldt can be proud of them.
Alison Graham was the winner of the 2012 Diversity Art contest. Her work is titled "She Brings the Sun" and can be viewed here.
Shelby Celia, Ashley Randall, and Hoshimi Tominari were all honored at the Humboldt Outstanding Students ceremony. Shelby and Ashley were nominated for Excellence in an Academic Discipline and Hoshimi for Best Undergraduate Research Project. Congratulations to all of them. See more at
James Floss was named the 2011-12 Humboldt Excellence in Teaching Award. He was nominated by the Department of Communication, recommended to the University Senate by the awards committee, recommended to the President, and the recommendation was accepted by President Richmond. See more here.
The Humboldt Speech and Debate Team was named the 2011-2012 Northwest Forensics Conference Division II Debate Sweepstakes Champion. The team was also named the 2011-2012 Northwest Forensics Conference Sweepstakes Bronze Medal Program.
The Speech and Debate Team had the following results at the Linfield College Tournament, held November 10-13: OPEN DIVISION semifinals (final eight teams out of 40): Emily VanGerpen & Felicia Asbury, Sean Burns & Aurora Maddocks. JUNIOR DIVISION: FIRST PLACE: John Most & Robert Mejia. INDIVIDUAL SPEAKER AWARD: Emily VanGerpen 1st (out of 80).
Shelby Celia was the recipient of the Department of Communication ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT award. This award is given to the Communication major who has the highest GPA among the majors who have at least 12 units of classes toward the major.
The Speech and Debate Team had the following results at the Lower Columbia College debate tournament, held November 3-6: OPEN DIVISION Semifinals (final eight teams out of 28): Emily VanGerpen & John Most, Felicia Asbury & Sean Burns. NOVICE DIVISION Finals (final four):Jake Ferdman & Craig Glasser, Cara Crofts & Rashod Berkley. INDIVIDUAL SPEAKER AWARDS: Emily VanGerpen—5th, John Most 6th (out or 56).
Elizabeth Lara-O'Rourke was an invited presenter at the Creative Time Summit held at New York University on September 23, 2011. The Creative Time Summit is a forum to "share projects that expand our understanding of participatory arts practice" and to share interest in "the political implications of socially engaged art." Ms. Lara-O'Rourk represented the United Indian Health Services, where she works as a Health Promotion and Education Manager while she pursues her degree at Humboldt. See her speech at
Laura Hahn and Michael Bruner co-authored a chapter in a book that Dr. Bruner co-edited. The chapter is titled "Politics on Your Plate: Building and Burning Bridges across Organic, Vegetarian and Vegan Discourse" in The Rhetoric of Food: Discourse, Materiality, and Power, Eds. Joshua J. Frye and Michael Bruner, Routledge, 2012.
Outstanding Communication students were recognized at the end-of-year party on April 29th. They included:
Service to the Department as President of the Communication Club: Gary Corsiglia.
Service to the Department as a Student Representative to the Executive Committee: Gary Corsiglia and Ezra Hayman.
Service to the Department as Communication Tutors: Adrienne Lopez and Sarah Peterson.
Service to the Department as Undergraduate Instructional Assistants: James Bruce, Desiree Perez, Krystina Thurin, Kayla Mahoney, Ezra Hayman.
Doug Losee Scholarship, which honors students who take the initiative to do original research, submit a report of that research to a conference, and present it at a conference: Ezra Hayman and Ashley Randall.
Emerging Scholar Award to the student who, in the opinion of the matriculation committee, shows the most promise of success in graduate school: Ezra Hayman.
Supportive Spirit Award to the student who, in the opinion of the matriculation committee, exhibits the positive characteristics that provide support to others: Chelsea Augustine and John Hughes.
Outstanding Communicator Award to the student who, in the opinion of the matriculation committee, demonstrates the best ability to communicate in interpersonal/small group settings as well as a public speaker: Shelby Celia.
New members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national honorary society for communication students: Chelsea Augustine, Nelia Goodwin, Breana Beth Guerra, Jesse M. Hughes-MacArthur, Anna Joseph, John Most, Ashley Randall, and Krystina L. Thurin.
The department was represented by several students at the 2011 Outstanding Students awards.
Krystina Thurin received the Brian Lorensen Residence Life Staff Award which “celebrates a special element of leadership, the ability to inspire. The award is in honor of a student leader who gave of himself to everyone he met; who without even knowing, inspired and motivated; who found a way to see the positive in everyone and who relished in personal challenge and growth. This award goes to the Residence Life Staff who best exemplifies these qualities of inspiration, motivation, compassion and commitment to living and learning.”
Ezra Hayman and Charlene Ploss were nominated for the Award for Excellence in Community Service, “as students who have made a clear commitment to serving the off-campus community. They have made a significant contribution to an off-campus organization through program implementation, agency support, or in a leadership capacity.”
Shelby Celia, John Hughes, and Ezra Hayman were all nominated for the Award for Excellence in an Academic Discipline as “students who have excelled in an academic discipline (research, publications, creative achievements, honors, etc.) and hold a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA.”
Ashley Randall and Ezra Hayman presented research papers at the 3rd Annual Bay Area Undergraduate Communication Research Conference at San Jose State University. Randall’s paper was a neo-Aristotelian rhetorical criticism of Harvey Milk’s 19789 “Hope” speech, and Hayman’s was an ideological rhetorical criticism of identity construction on Facebook user profiles. Both of them began their research for a Communication Research methods class in Fall 2010. Jacqualine Solis was the co-author of the paper with Hayman, but was unable to attend the conference.
On March 31st James Floss, Allen Amundsen, and Diane Smith Young conducted a seminar for the Hoopa Vally Fisheries to aid them in their abitlty to give presentations associated with their organization.The seminar is a 2-part program designed to highlight the need for 1) Goal Setting, 2) Thinking like a Bureaucrat, and 3) Organizing and Delivering Presentations. The second part of the program worked with employees individually to 1) restrucure presentations, 2) develop skills in inpromptu questions and answers and, 3) aid in interpersonal skills in the workplace. The three are very pleased to work with an organization which has such an environmental impact in the Hoopa Valley and hope to continue relationship with this group.
Ezra Hayman and Jacqueline Solis were each awarded a competitive grant from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences to assisst Michael Bruner and Laura Hahn on a Locovore research project.
Tasha Souza Presented a workshop entitled "Scholarship of Community Engagement: Exploring how to use Service Learning to Successfully meet Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Criteria" at the Planting Seeds of Learning: Northern CA Regional Service Learning Conference, Arcata, CA
Ezra Hayman and Emily VanGerpen were semi-finalists in Open Parliamentary Debate at the Portland State University tournament. Robert Mejla and Erin Young were finalists in the Novice division.
Michael Bruner's chapter titled "A Critical Crisis Rhetoric of Seafood" was published in Food as Communication by Peter Lang Publishing.
Nine Humboldt debate teams participated in the Willamette University Hatfield Debates tournament and the team of Ezra Hayman and Emily VanGerpen were finalists. Cecelia Phillips was the eleventh place speaker, Felicia Asbury was seventh, VanGerpen was 2nd and Hayman was the top speaker at the tournament.
Tasha Souza co-authored a book chapter titled "Using multimedia case stories of exemplary teaching for faculty development," published in To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development published by Jossey-Bass. She also had an article published in Student Guide to Better Learning published by the CSU Institute for Teaching and Learning titled "Speaking, discussing, and questioning: Developing useful classroom skills."
Diane Hunt joined the department as the part-time Academic Support Assistant
Michael Bruner and Laura Hahn presented a paper titled: “Politics on your Plate: Building and Burning Bridges across Organic, Vegetarian and Vegan Discourse” at the National Communication Association Convention in San Francisco. Bruner also presented a paper titled “Socializing the New Graduate Teaching Assistant: Building Bridges Between Personal and Professional Expectations” and Hahn presented “Teaching Public Speaking: Cultural Expressions Through Food.” They also co-presented "Would you like some E. coli with that?:Anti-'Organic' Rhetoric" at the pre-convention Scholars Conference on Food Issues in Communication Studies.
Armeda Reitzel & Diane Smith-Young presented a paper titled “From California to Kazakhstan: Crossing International Boundaries in Our Basic Communication Courses” at the National Communication Association Convention in San Francisco. Reitzel also presented a paper titled “Military Duty to Classroom Duty: The Challenges and Opportunities for Veterans as First Generation Students.”
Maxwell Schnurer presented a paper titled “Parsing Poverty: Farm Subsidies and American Farmland Trust” at the National Communication Association Convention in San Francisco.
Krystina Thurin placed first in the Open Division of both Programmed Oral Interpretation and Impromptu Speaking at the Lower Columbia College Speech and Debate Tournament, held November 4-7. Cecelia Phillips also placed third in Novice Oral Interpretation of Poetry. Humboldt had three debate teams that were semi-finalists: Gary Corsiglia and Martin Stubbs, Breanna Guerra and Michael Newmaster, and Felicia Asbury and Sammy Gentle
Maxwell Schnurer and Scott Paynton had an article accepted to the Journal of Business and Professional Ethics titled: "Grassroots Corporate Protest: A Juxtaposition."
The team of Ezra Hayman and Emily VanGerpen was a finalist in the Open Division of British Parliamentary Debate at the Linfield College Tournament. Hayman was also the eighth place speaker while VanGerpen was tenth. Three Humboldt teams were in the top four in the Novice Division: Sammi Rippetoe and Paul Ridley, Eric Hamilton and Chris Chutuk, and John Most and Martin Stubbs
Maxwell Schuner has joined the CCAT Steering Committee. He will act as a liason between the university, department and the student coordinators of CCAT. Together they will bring a number of workshops, concerts, events, and education about sustainability to the campus community.
Ezra Hayman and Emily VanGerpen reached the final round (top four teams) out of a field of 52 teams at the Lewis and Clark Speech and Debate Tournament. Sammi Rippetoe and Chris Chutuk were among the final four in novice division. Matt Baker and Paul Ridley also tied for tenth individual speaker in novice division.
Laura Hahn made a presentation at the San Francisco State University Graduate Seminar in Communication and Social Criticism titled "I'm Too Sexy for Your Movement: An Analysis of the Failure of the Animal Rights Movement to Promote Vegetarianism."
Tasha Souza co-authored a chapter in the book To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development published by Jossey-Bass. The chapter is titled "Communication climate, comfort, and cold-calling: An analysis of discussion-based courses at multiple universities."
Ezra Hayman and Emily VanGerpen finished 12th of 42, missing the semi-final round of the Claremont College Speech and Debate Tournament by just a few points.
Michael Bruner is spending the fall semester on sabbatical as a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.
The department welcomes Cortney Koors as our new Academic Support Coordinator.
Scott Paynton was appointed Interim Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Humboldt.
In July Tasha Souza Presented a Digital Showcase entitled "Digital Resources for Pedagogical Innovation: ELIXR Multimedia Case Stories" at the Improving University Teaching International Conference, Washington, D.C.
Jay VerLinden was elected chair of the Humboldt Academic Senate
In May Tasha Souza presented a Poster Session entitled "Developing a Hybrid Intercultural Communication Course: Technology as a Means of Enhancing Communication" at the Institute for Diversity in Learning & Teaching, Cal Poly Humboldt.
Outstanding Communication students were recognized at the end of the year party on April 30th. The following awards were announced:
Student Representative to the Executive Committee: Samantha Stettler and Gary Corsiglia
Don Karsshner Memorial Scholarship for the student who displays a positive attitude and supports the program and other students: Krystina Thurin
Emerging Scholar Award for the graduating senior who shows the most promise for success in graduate school: Geoff Ostrove
Outstanding Communicator for the student who demonstrates superior communication abilities in both public speaking and interpersonal/small group contexts: Ezra Hayman
Student Tutor Recognition: Stephanie Vasseghi
New members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national honorary society for communication students: Gary Corsiglia, Aaron Fulford, Allison Garfield, Ezra Hayman, Caitlyn Klug, Jeff Meyer, Kayla Mahoney, Geoff Ostrove, Charlene Ploss, Jacqualyn Solis, Samantha Stettler, Shelly van Wyhe, Stefanie Vasseghi, and Natalie Zeutzius.
Pictures are available on facebook
The Communication Department was well represented at the 2010 Humboldt Oustanding Student Awards.
Devin McDonnell won the award for Best Forensic/Debate Presentation or Competition.
Ezra Hayman, Ariane O'Brien, and Tim Thiel were all nominated for the same award. All four of them were also niminated for Outstanding Contribution to a Campus Club, Program, or Organization. (Devin and Tim aren't Communication majors, but we'll claim them for this because of Speech & Debate.)
Samantha Stettler and Stefanie Vasseghi were also nominated for Outstanding Contribution to a Campus Club, Program, or Organization
Kayla Mahoney was nominated for Best Undergraduate Research Project.
Pictures are available at facebook
Tasha Souza was involved in three professional presentations in April. They included co-presenting a webinar entitled "ELIXR: Digital Case Stories to Support Faculty Teaching Innovation" for the Community of Academic Technology Staff (CATS) online conference, co-presenting a webinar entitled "Enhancing Faculty Development with ELIXR Digital Case Stories" for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group, and co-presenting a webinar entitled "ELIXR: Digital Case Stories to Support Faculty Teaching Innovation" for the New Media Consortium (NMC).
Senior Geoffrey Ostrove's paper, " 'They' Attacked 'Us': How Barack Obama Creates a 'Muslim' Membership Category," was accepted for presentation at the National Communication Association's national convention in November.
Kim Moon left the department and is now the Academic Support Coordinator for the Kineseology Department.
Ezra Hayman was given the department's award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
Scott Paynton was promoted to the rank of Professor.
Maxwell Schnurer was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and awarded tenure.
Outstanding Communication students were recognized at the end of the year party on May 7th. The following awards were announced:
Student Representative to the Executive Committee: Ian Sidle
Supportive Spirit Award for the student who displays a positive attitude and supports the program and other students: Sofia Pereira and Ashley Norgart.
Emerging Scholar Award for the graduating senior who shows the most promise for success in graduate school: Colin Trujillo.
Outstanding Communicator for the student who demonstrates superior communication abilities in both public speaking and interpersonal/small group contexts: Allison Garfield
Doug Losee Scholarship for presenting original research at the Bay Area Student Communication Research Conference: Geoff Ostrove
Student Tutor Recognition: Stephanie Vasseghi
New members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national honorary society for communication students: Emily Abfalter, Larry Iglesias, Katie King, Laura Lake, Liz Lara-O'Rourke, Ariane O'Brien
Jay VerLinden was elected to serve a three year term as department chair, starting Fall 2009.
Geoff Ostrove presented his rhetorical criticism at the 1st Annual Bay Area Student Communication Research Conference held at San Jose State University.
Students Laura Lake, Matt Mersich, Geoff Ostrove, and Jamie Wilson attended the National Communication Association convention in San Diego.
Laura Hahn served as department chair during the spring semester and summer.
Jay VerLinden was on sabbatical during the spring semester.
Scott Paynton was on sabbatical during the fall semester.
Armeda Reitzel became the chair of the Music department. Jay VerLinden served as Communication department chair in her absence during fall semester.
Katie Hoyer was recognized by the faculty with the award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
Tasha Souza was promoted to the rank of Professor.
Two Communication majors earned important positions in student government. Sofia Pereira was elected President of the Humboldt Associated Students as a write-in candidate in the second run-off vote. Jesse Hughes was also elected the Legislative Vice President.
Outstanding Communication students were recognized at the end of the year party on April 25th. The following awards were announced:
Student Representatives to the Executive Committee: Ryan Guy, Michelle Song, Sofia Pereira, Chas Pivirotto
Don Karshner Memorial Scholarship Award for the student who displays a positive attitude and supports the program and other students: Erika McCartney, Andrew Huggins
Emerging Scholar Award for the graduating senior who shows the most promise for success in graduate school: Julie Jensen
Outstanding Communicator for the student who demonstrates superior communication abilities in both public speaking and interpersonal/small group contexts: Katie Hoyer
New members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national honorary society for communication students: AnneMarie D'Amore, Chandra Gaskalla, Katie Hoyer, Christina Mast, Erika McCartney, Laura McNaughton, Chase Pivirotto.
The Communication Club announced the election of officers for 2008-2009. They are:
President: Jessie Hughes
Vice President: Coutnie Thomas
Secretary: Melissa Felbab
Treasurer: Ian Sidle
Student Representatives: Jesse Hughes and Courtnie Thomas
James Floss, Lecturer in the Department of Communication was recognized by the Humboldt Library on December 8th "for a quarter century of teaching service, including the incorporation of library information in Communication Studies. His dedication inspired many students to be life-long library users and supporters and to pursue advanced academic work, according to Dr. Ray Wang, Dean of the University Library. An accomplished actor, Professor Floss is also remembered for his excellent performance in the one-man show 'Time Machine,' Dr. Wang said. He added, 'In recognizing Professor Floss, we want to let people know that the Library remembers friends who have helped us in the past'" (Paul Mann, Humboldt NOW, Library Honors Distinguished Faculty).
Ashley Norgart won the department award for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
Ross Mackinney joined the faculty as a Part-Time lecturer, teaching sections of COMM 100.
A new major program was instituted by the department, making changes in the configuration of the requirements.
Tasha Souza was appointed Faculty Development Coordinatorby President Richmond. She will develop workshops and programs to help faculty become better instructors at Humboldt.
Laura Hahn was named a University ombudsperson by President Richmond, which means now both Ombudspersons are faculty in the Department of Communication.
The Communication Club announced the election of officers for 2007-2008. They are:
President: Ryan Guy
Vice President: Tricia Manzo
Student Representatives: Ryan Guy and Courtnie Thomas
Outstanding Communication students were recognized at the end of the year party on April 28th. The following awards were announced:
Student Representatives to the Executive Committee: Stephanie Petersen, Mike Meador, Ryan Guy, and Reggie Sherman
Tutoring: Travis Bartosh and Jennifer Maksim
Supportive Spirit Award for the student who displays a positive attitude and supports the program and other students: Ashley Norgart
April Richardson was named the Most Valuable Person for Forensics.
Emerging Scholar Award for the graduating senior who shows the most promise for success in graduate school: Carmen Davis
Outstanding Communicator for the student who demonstrates superior communication abilities in both public speaking and interpersonal/small group contexts: Annemarie D'Amore
New Lambda Pi Eta national communication honorary members: Sunny Augustine, Kayleigh Jane Azevedo, Lynee Beringuel, Dee Graham, Ruthie Maloney, Kailey R. Morse, Stephanie Petersen, Brad Thompson
The Communication department was well represented again at the 2006-2007 Humboldt Outstanding Students Awards. Kevin Johnson was the winner for Excellence in Intercollegiate Athletics and Sports Clubs after helping lead the men's basketball team to a 26-4 record and a number-one ranking going into the Division II West Region Championships. He was also voted the CCAA Player of the Year. Laura McNaughton was nominated for Outstanding Contribution to residence halls. In addition to the students three faculty were nominated for the Outstanding Advisor awards by the students in the programs they supervise. They were Allen Amundsen for the Communication Club, Diane Smith-Young for the Campus Recycling Club and Maxwell Schnurerfor AWARE . Greg Young was also named the Outstanding Faculty Member by the Disabled Student Services. Both Diane Smith-Young and Greg Young are graduates of the Humboldt Communication Department.
Senior Communication major Ruthie Maloney was recognized for Excellence in Community Service by the Indian Teacher and Educational Personnel Program in the College of Professional Studies.
Dr. Scott Paynton was named the Humboldt ombudsperson by President Richmond.
Dr. Hershel Mack retired at the end of the Spring 2006 semester.
The following department student recognitions for 2005-2006 were announced at the annual end of the year party (5/4/06).
Student Representatives to the Executive Committee: Kat Blaisdell, and Brian Paine
Tutoring: Janelle Blakely
Karshner Memorial Scholarship: Nate Saari
Supportive Spirit Award: Ruthie Maloney
Emerging Scholar Award: Amanda Stevens
Outstanding Communicator: Stephanie Petersen
Academic Achievement: Carmen Davis
Lambda Pi Eta members: Amy Brewer, Elise Holland, Brandi Miller, Laura Salerno, Amanda Stevens, and Tina Whiting
Communication students were well represented at the 2005-2006 Humboldt Outstanding Students Awards. Nicole Alvarado received the award for Outstanding Contribution to an Associated Students Program and Kat Blaisdell received the award for Outstanding Contribution to a Club, Program or Organization. Kevin Johnson was nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Athletics, and Myra O'Neill was nominated for Outstanding Contribution to a Club, Program or Organization. (5/3/06)
A.S. President and Communication Major Nicole Alvarado was one of 24 men and women selected to be a Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow in Washington, DC next year. Over 400 people applied and Nicole was one of the 24 selected. Also, Nicole represents the only Fellow selected from a state university.
The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship, a project of the Congressional Hunger Center, is a unique leadership development opportunity for motivated individuals seeking to make a difference in the struggle to eliminate hunger and poverty. Each year 24 participants are selected for this twelve-month program. Fellows are placed for six months with urban and rural community-based organizations all over the country involved in fighting hunger at the local level, such as food banks, economic development agencies, local advocacy groups and faith-based organizations. They then move to Washington, DC to complete the year with six months of work at national organizations involved in the anti-hunger and poverty movement, including national advocacy organizations, think tanks, and federal agencies. Through this unique program, the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program develops effective leaders with a deep understanding of hunger and poverty at both the local and national level that enables them to find innovative solutions and create the political will to end hunger. (4/24/06)
Dr. Steven Best will deliver a lecture on Crisis and the Crossroads of History: The Need for a Radicalized Citizenry April 11th at 6 p.m. in Founders 169. For more information download the pdf document here.
The special COMM 495 class offering credit for attending the Western States Communication Association convention will be offered again in Spring 2006. Learn more about it here.
Dr. Maxwell Schnurer joined the faculty in a tenure-track position. (8/17/05)
Dr. Laura Hahn was awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and Dr. Michael Bruner was awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of Professor. (5/5/05)
The following department student recognitions for 2004-2005 were announced at the annual end of the year party (5/5/05).
Student Representatives to the Executive Committee: Ian Hambleton, Erin Miedema, and Tina Whiting
Tutoring: Nichole Vandenakker
Supportive Spirit Award: Tina Whiting
Emerging Scholar Award: Erin Miedema
Outstanding Communicator: Kat Blaisdell
Lambda Pi Eta members: Katie August, Nita George, Ian Hambleton and Herbie Smith
Communication students were well represented at the 2004-2005 Humboldt Outstanding Students Awards. Erin Miedema was named Humboldt Woman of the Year, the highest honor for an Humboldt student, and was nominated for the Brian Lorensen Living Group Advisor Award. Nicole Alvaradoreceived the award for Outstanding Contribution to an Associated Students Program and was nominated for Excellence in an Academic Discipline. Brandi Miller and Hannah Sage were both nominated for the award for Outstanding Contribution to a Campus Club, Program or Organization. (4/27/05)
Nicole Alvarado was elected President of the Humboldt Associated Students Body. (4/21/05)
Kim Moon joined the department as the new Academic Support Coordinator. (3/14/05)
Allen Amundsen joined the faculty as a lecturer and Assistant Director of Forensics. (1/05)
Teri Bronder-Lewis moved to the Department of Human Resources. She is temporarily replaced by Barbara Thompson. (1/05)
Dr. Armeda Reitzel won the D. Scott Enright Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languags Interest Section Service Award for 2005. (12/9/04)
Dr. Julie Yingling retired. (7/1/04)
Six Communication majors were initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society. They are: Andrea Casey, Jenny Farrell, Angelina Paolello, Michael Sisco, Beryl Vasick, and Jeanette Winters. Omicron Delta Kappa is very selective, and only twenty-three students in the entire university were accepted for membership. (4/6/04)
Dr. Tasha Souza and Dr. Scott Paynton were both awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor. (5/6/04)
Communication students were well represented as Humboldt Outstanding Students. Jenny Farrell was presented with the Award for Excellence in an Academic Discipline for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Kat Blaisdell was honored for Outstanding Contribution to a Campus Club, Program or Organization. David Bracamontes was nominated for the Al Elpusan Award for Activism. Elana Babiarz was nominated for Excellence in an Academic Discipline. Lisa Hand was nominated for Oustanding Contribution to an Associated Students Program. (4/28/04)
There is a new Communication Research Guide at Humboldt Library, with a link to the new Communication and Mass Media Complete database. (3/11/04)
There is a new book coming out by Dr. Julie Yingling: A Lifetime of Communication. (3/11/04)
Critical Thinking and Everyday Argument is a new book by Dr. Jay VerLinden that is coming out soon. (3/11/04)